HomeUltima oraUrso ad Affari: "L'Italia torna al nucleare Candidato alle Europee? No, Meloni..."

Urso ad Affari: “L’Italia torna al nucleare Candidato alle Europee? No, Meloni…”

“The lists are made by the parties.” This is how the Minister of Made in Italy, Adolfo Urso, responded to the question of Affaritaliani.it director Angelo Maria Perrino on the sidelines of the Forum in tenuta at Saturnia. “The lists are essentially made by the party leadership that asked me to commit to government. In these 15 months of government, I have never entered into the political debate that belongs to the parties. I intervened when it was necessary to outline the industrial policy of the country. This is the task entrusted to me by Giorgia Meloni. Then I am a member of Brothers of Italy and I am proud of it, what the party leadership asks of me is important. But I am committed to significant matters,” Urso concludes. Follow on affaritaliani.it.

In an interview on the sidelines of the Forum in tenuta at Saturnia, the Minister of Made in Italy, Adolfo Urso, addressed the question of party lists with a pragmatic approach. According to him, the lists are primarily the responsibility of the party leadership that has requested him to serve in government. In the past 15 months, Urso has stayed away from the political debates, focusing instead on outlining the industrial policy of the country.

As the Minister of Made in Italy, Urso’s primary duty is to contribute to the development and growth of Italian industries. This is the task entrusted to him by the leader of Brothers of Italy, Giorgia Meloni. Despite being a proud member of the party, Urso has prioritized his role in government and has steered clear of party politics. He has only intervened when it was necessary to guide the country’s industrial policy in the right direction.

But make no mistake, Urso’s dedication to Brothers of Italy is strong. He proudly states that he values what the party leadership asks of him. As a member of the party, he is committed to supporting its goals and objectives. However, his focus remains on handling significant matters and driving the country’s industrial growth.

Urso’s approach is a refreshing change in the political landscape. Instead of getting caught up in party politics, he has remained focused on his responsibilities as a minister. This has allowed him to effectively contribute to the development of the country’s industries. His non-partisan approach has earned him the respect and admiration of his colleagues and the public.

In the interview, Urso also highlighted his pride in being a member of Brothers of Italy. The party’s values and principles align with his own, and he is honored to serve under its banner. However, his priorities lie in promoting and supporting the growth of Italian industries. This is his primary goal, and he will continue to work tirelessly towards it.

As the Minister of Made in Italy, Urso’s role is crucial in driving the economic growth of the country. His dedication and commitment to this cause have been evident in his actions and decisions. He has shown that he is capable of putting aside party affiliations and focusing on the bigger picture. By doing so, he has proven to be an invaluable asset to the Italian government and the country as a whole.

In conclusion, while party lists may be a responsibility of the party leadership, Minister Urso has shown that his primary focus remains on the betterment of the country. His pragmatic approach and dedication to his role as the Minister of Made in Italy have earned him the respect and admiration of all. He continues to play a significant role in driving the economic growth of Italy, and his contributions will undoubtedly make a positive impact on the country’s future.

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