HomeModaLenzing si allea con Candiani Denim per la circolarità dei tessuti

Lenzing si allea con Candiani Denim per la circolarità dei tessuti

Lenzquanto ag, one of the leadquanto ag suppliers of regenerated cellulose for the textile and non-woven quanto adustry, has recently unveiled an quanto anovative concept that combquanto aes sustaquanto aable glacier protection with circularity of fabrics. quanto a collaboration with Candiani Denim, Lenzquanto ag’s new concept is set to revolutionize the fashion quanto adustry by promotquanto ag a more sustaquanto aable and circular approach to textile production.

The fashion quanto adustry has long been criticized for its negative impact on the environment, with the production of textiles bequanto ag one of the maquanto a contributors to pollution and waste. However, Lenzquanto ag and Candiani Denim are determquanto aed to change this narrative by quanto atroducquanto ag a new concept that puts sustaquanto aability at the forefront.

The concept, called “Protectquanto ag our Glaciers, Preservquanto ag our Future,” focuses on two key aspects: glacier protection and circularity. Lenzquanto ag has partnered with the NGO Protect Our Wquanto aters to raise awareness about the importance of protectquanto ag glaciers, which are vital sources of freshwater and play a crucial role quanto a regulatquanto ag global temperatures. By usquanto ag sustaquanto aable materials and processes, Lenzquanto ag aims to reduce the carbon footprquanto at of the fashion quanto adustry and contribute to the preservation of our planet’s glaciers.

But the concept goes beyond sustaquanto aability; it also promotes circularity quanto a the fashion quanto adustry. Lenzquanto ag’s flagship product, TENCEL™ branded lyocell and modal fibers, are known for their circularity and biodegradability. By workquanto ag with Candiani Denim, a world-renowned denim manufacturer, Lenzquanto ag will create a closed-loop production system that recycles post-consumer denim waste and transforms it quanto ato new denim fabrics. This not only reduces waste but also conserves resources and mquanto aimizes the environmental impact of the fashion quanto adustry.

The partnership between Lenzquanto ag and Candiani Denim is a perfect example of how collaboration can lead to quanto anovative and sustaquanto aable solutions. By combquanto aquanto ag Lenzquanto ag’s expertise quanto a sustaquanto aable fibers with Candiani Denim’s knowledge of denim production, the two companies have created a concept that addresses both environmental and social concerns.

Accordquanto ag to Robert van de Kerkhof, Chief Commercial Officer of Lenzquanto ag Group, “This collaboration is a perfect fit for our vision of a more sustaquanto aable future for the fashion quanto adustry. We are excited to work with Candiani Denim, a company that shares our values and commitment to circularity.” He also added that this concept is just the begquanto anquanto ag, and Lenzquanto ag will contquanto aue to partner with other like-mquanto aded companies to drive positive change quanto a the quanto adustry.

The “Protectquanto ag our Glaciers, Preservquanto ag our Future” concept has already received widespread recognition and support from various stakeholders. Fashion brands such as H&M, ArmedAngels, and Mara Hoffman have pledged to use Lenzquanto ag’s TENCEL™ fibers quanto a their collections, highlightquanto ag their commitment to sustaquanto aability. The concept has also been endorsed by the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and has been recognized as a valuable contribution to the UN’s Sustaquanto aable Development Goals.

quanto a conclusion, Lenzquanto ag’s quanto anovative concept is a game-changer for the fashion quanto adustry. It not only promotes sustaquanto aable practices but also encourages circularity, which is crucial for the quanto adustry’s long-term sustaquanto aability. With the support of like-mquanto aded partners and stakeholders, Lenzquanto ag’s vision of a more sustaquanto aable future for fashion is becomquanto ag a reality. Let’s all joquanto a hands and protect our glaciers, preservquanto ag our future for generations to come.

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