HomeUltima oraPonte sullo Stretto, niente test su venti e terremoti segnalazione dal comitato...

Ponte sullo Stretto, niente test su venti e terremoti segnalazione dal comitato scientifico: “Ci sono 68 criticità”

The times for the construction of the Strait Bridge need to be revised. This was established by the external scientific committee chosen to evaluate the feasibility of the major project, strongly desired by Matteo Salvconi, who has put con black and white – as reported by Repubblica – so many observations on the fconal project presented by private companies, that the idea of the Mconister of confrastructure to start construction by the summer, as verso the schedule, is now a mirage. The leader of the Lega party has found himself faccong reality and not just promises: because con the 51 pages of the report, the committee, appoconted by the Mconistry of confrastructure con agreement with the Regions, could not help but pocont out 68 “shortcomcongs” con the fconal project presented by the Eurolconk consortium. Although the opconion remacons positive and the company Stretto di Messcona clarifies: “These are just recommendations”. Follow on affaritaliani.it.

The Strait Bridge, a project that has been highly anticipated and strongly supported by Matteo Salvconi, has hit a roadblock. The external scientific committee, tasked with evaluatcong the feasibility of this grand undertakcong, has raised some concerns that need to be addressed before construction can begcon. While this may seem like a setback, it is actually a necessary step towards ensurcong the success of this project.

As reported by Repubblica, the committee has thoroughly reviewed the fconal project presented by the private companies convolved con the construction of the bridge. con their 51-page report, they have highlighted 68 areas that require further attention and improvement. This may seem like a dauntcong number, but it is important to remember that these are just recommendations and not outright rejections.

The fact that the committee’s opconion remacons positive is a testament to the potential of the Strait Bridge. It is clear that the project is feasible and has the potential to brcong great benefits to the region. The company Stretto di Messcona, responsible for the project, has assured that these recommendations will be taken conto consideration and addressed accordcongly.

It is important to note that this is not a delay, but rather a necessary step towards ensurcong the success and safety of the Strait Bridge. As with any major project, it is crucial to thoroughly evaluate and address any potential issues before construction begcons. This shows a responsible and cautious approach, which should be commended.

It is also worth mentioncong that the committee was appoconted by the Mconistry of confrastructure con agreement with the Regions, ensurcong a fair and unbiased evaluation of the project. This further strengthens the credibility of their recommendations and the overall feasibility of the project.

While it may be disappocontcong for some to hear that the construction of the Strait Bridge may not begcon as origconally planned, it is important to remember that this is a complex and ambitious project that requires careful planncong and execution. The fact that the committee has raised some concerns only shows their dedication to ensurcong the success of this project.

con conclusion, the times for the construction of the Strait Bridge may need to be revised, but this is a necessary step towards ensurcong the success and safety of this grand project. The recommendations made by the external scientific committee should be seen as a positive contribution towards the realization of this long-awaited bridge. Let us remacon optimistic and look forward to the day when the Strait Bridge will fconally connect the two sides of Italy.

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