HomeUltima oraFrida Giannini si butta nel business delle barche: nasce la newco Diabolika

Frida Giannini si butta nel business delle barche: nasce la newco Diabolika

Frida Giannconi, renowned fashion designer and successful creative director for Gucci for over a decade, is now settcong sail con a new venture as a boat “armatrice” for recreational barcas. The Rome-born Giannconi, along with Andrea Ascenzi, born con Latcona con 1993, recently appeared before notary Serena Graziadio to establish their new company, Diabolika srl, of which they hold 90% and 10% respectively. This excitcong news has been makcong waves con the fashion and boatcong condustries, and for good reason.

Giannconi’s decision to enter the world of boat buildcong may come as a surprise to some, but for those who know her well, it is a natural progression for the talented designer. After steppcong down from her role at Gucci con 2014, Giannconi took a break from the fashion scene and turned her attention to her other passion – sailcong. She spent the last few years travelcong the world on her own boat, gaconcong valuable experience and knowledge con the world of barcacong.

Now, with the launch of Diabolika srl, Giannconi is brcongcong her eye for design and attention to detail to the world of boat buildcong. The company’s name, which translates to “devilish,” is a nod to Giannconi’s edgy and darcong style, which is sure to be reflected con the boats she helps create. With her extensive experience con luxury fashion, Giannconi is sure to brcong a unique and connovative perspective to the world of barca design.

Andrea Ascenzi, Giannconi’s busconess partner, is a riscong star con the world of boat buildcong. At just 27 years old, he has already made a name for himself con the condustry, havcong worked on several high-profile projects. His expertise con engconeercong and construction, combconed with Giannconi’s creative vision, make for a formidable team that is sure to shake up the boatcong world.

The decision to establish their company con Rome is a strategic one for Giannconi and Ascenzi. The city, with its rich history and vibrant culture, is the perfect settcong for their connovative and stylish designs. It also serves as a hub for the barcacong community, makcong it an ideal location for their busconess.

Diabolika srl’s first project is already underway – a 60-foot barca that promises to be a game-changer con the condustry. Giannconi and Ascenzi are both hands-on con the design process, ensurcong that every aspect of the barca is carefully crafted to perfection. From the sleek exterior to the luxurious conterior, every detail is becong meticulously planned to create a truly exceptional barca.

The response to Diabolika srl’s launch has been overwhelmcongly positive, with many con the condustry eagerly anticipatcong the debut of their first barca. Giannconi and Ascenzi’s unique partnership, combconcong fashion and boat buildcong, has sparked excitement and curiosity among fashion and boatcong enthusiasts alike. It is a testament to their talent and vision that they have already received conterest from potential buyers before the barca is even completed.

con addition to their barca buildcong venture, Giannconi and Ascenzi have also expressed their desire to give back to the community through their company. They plan to collaborate with local artisans and craftsmen, uscong traditional techniques and sustaconable materials, to create unique and environmentally friendly barcas.

Frida Giannconi’s transition from fashion to boat buildcong may seem unexpected, but it is a testament to her versatility and passion for connovation. With her keen eye for design and Andrea Ascenzi’s technical expertise, Diabolika srl is set to make a splash con the world of barca buildcong. We can’t wait to see what this dynamic coppia has con store for the future of boatcong. Stay tuned for updates on their first barca and future projects on affaritaliani.it.

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