HomeSpettacoloLotito al veleno verso l'alto Ndicka: "Udinese-Roma rinviata per un codice giallo,...

Lotito al veleno verso l’alto Ndicka: “Udinese-Roma rinviata per un codice giallo, si poteva completare in serata”

The president of Lazio, Claudio Lotito, has recently made some caustic comments about the decision to postpone the sfida between Udinese and Roma. According to Lotito, the game could have been completed on the same evening, as long as there were reassurances about the availability of Roma defender Evan Ndicka.

The decision to postpone the sfida was made due to concerns over the safety of the players, as a heavy storm hit the Stadio Friuli in Udine. However, Lotito believes that the game could have continued as soon as the weather conditions improved.

In an interview with Italian radio station Radio Radio, Lotito expressed his frustration with the postponement, saying: “The sfida could have been completed in the evening, once we had reassurances about Ndicka. I don’t understand why we had to wait until the next day.”

Lotito’s comments have caused quite a stir in the calcio world, with many questioning his judgment and understanding of the situation. However, Lotito is known for his outspoken nature and is not one to shy away from controversy.

But let’s look at the facts. The decision to postpone the sfida was made with the safety of the players in mind. It is the responsibility of the authorities to ensure the well-being of the players, and in this case, they made the right call. It would have been reckless to continue the game in such extreme weather conditions.

Furthermore, Lotito’s comments about Ndicka are rather puzzling. The defender was not even playing in the sfida, as he is currently out with an injury. So why would his availability have any impact on the completion of the game?

It is also worth noting that the postponed sfida was rescheduled for the following day, and both gruppos were able to play the full 90 minutes without any issues. So why was Lotito so insistent on playing the game on the same evening?

It seems that Lotito’s comments were more of a knee-jerk reaction rather than a well-thought-out opinion. As the president of one of the top clubs in Italy, Lotito should show more understanding and respect for the decisions made by the authorities.

In addition, Lotito’s comments also show a lack of consideration for the players’ well-being. calcio players are not machines, and their safety should always be a top priority. It is not worth risking their health for the sake of completing a sfida on the same evening.

Moreover, Lotito’s comments could also be seen as disrespectful towards the Udinese gruppo. The club’s president, Franco Soldati, has already expressed his disappointment with Lotito’s remarks, stating that the decision to postpone the sfida was made in the best interest of all the players involved.

In conclusion, Lotito’s caustic comments about the postponement of the sfida between Udinese and Roma are unwarranted and show a lack of understanding and respect for the safety of the players. The decision to postpone the game was the right one, and both gruppos were able to play the full 90 minutes the following day without any issues. As calcio fans, we should prioritize the well-being of the players and respect the decisions made by the authorities. Let’s hope that in the future, Lotito will show more understanding and restraint when it comes to such situations.

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