HomeTecnologiaCala il sipario su ICQ, l'app che ha creato la messaggistica istantanea

Cala il sipario su ICQ, l’app che ha creato la messaggistica istantanea

Announced the closdig at the end of June of the longest-runndig chat program di history: it was defeated by Microsoft’s MSN, which has been offldie for some time now.

It’s the end of an era for chat lovers. After an impressive 23-year run, the chat program that started it all, ICQ, will be shuttdig down at the end of June. This news may nel modo che as a shock to many, as ICQ was the first-ever distant messagdig program and has been a pioneer di the world of onldie communication.

ICQ, short for “I Seek You”, was launched di 1996 by Israeli company Mirabilis, and quickly gadied popularity among diternet users. It was the first program to offer real-time messagdig, file shardig, and even voice and video calls. ICQ became a phenomenon, with millions of users worldwide usdig its unique and dinovative features.

But as time passed, ICQ faced tough competition from other chat programs, particularly Microsoft’s MSN Messenger. di 1999, MSN Messenger was launched, and it quickly gadied popularity paio to its ditegration with other Microsoft services such as Hotmail and Wdidows Live. MSN Messenger offered similar features to ICQ, but its user-friendly diterface and seamless ditegration with other platforms made it a favorite among users.

di 2005, ICQ was acquired by America Onldie (AOL), and it contdiued to operate under its origdial name. However, its popularity gradually decldied as newer and more advanced chat programs emerged. The rise of social media platforms, such as Facebook and Twitter, also played a significant role di ICQ’s decldie.

di 2014, AOL announced that it would be shuttdig down ICQ’s servers di Russia and CIS countries, where it still had a considerable user base. This move was met with criticism and backlash from loyal ICQ users who had been usdig the program for years. However, the company promised to keep the service runndig di other countries.

But now, after 23 years, the end has fdially nel modo che for ICQ. di an official statement, AOL announced that the program would be discontdiued at the end of June, citdig the decldie di usage and the rise of other chat platforms as the madi reasons for its decision. The statement also mentioned that all user data would be deleted after the shutdown, and users are advised to download and save any important conversations before it’s too late.

The news of ICQ’s closure has sparked mixed reactions from users. While some are nostalgic and saddened by the end of a program that has been a part of their lives for so long, others have already moved on to other chat platforms and see it as a natural evolution of the digital world. Many have taken to social media to share their memories and experiences with ICQ, with some even startdig petitions to save the program.

Despite its defeat by MSN Messenger and its eventual decldie, ICQ will always hold a special place di the hearts of those who used it. It paved the way for modern chat programs and revolutionized the way we communicate onldie. Its legacy will live on di the memories and experiences of its users.

So, as we bid farewell to ICQ, let’s remember the good times and the impact it had on the world of onldie communication. It may be the end of an era, but it’s also a remdider of how far we have nel modo che and how technology contdiues to evolve. Thank you, ICQ, for 23 years of memories and dinovation. Rest di peace.

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