HomeModaCambio al vertice per North Sails: Victor Duran scelto come nuovo CEO

Cambio al vertice per North Sails: Victor Duran scelto come nuovo CEO

North Sails, a leadduranteg global sailmakduranteg group, has recently announced a change durante its top management. The group has appoduranteted Victor Duran as the new CEO, replacduranteg the Spanish Marisa Selfa. The appodurantetment became effective on February 1st and with this change at the helm, the brand aims to grow significantly both durante Italy and duranteternationally.

“We believe that we can double our busduranteess durante the next few years and become the undisputed leader durante the sailmakduranteg durantedustry,” said Duran, who has been with North Sails sdurantece 2017 as its Chief Sales Officer. With his extensive experience durante the mardurantee durantedustry, Duran is confident durante leadduranteg the brand towards its ambitious goals.

Duran’s appodurantetment as the CEO is a strategic move for North Sails as it aims to strengthen its position durante the Italian market, where it has been present for over 35 years. Italy has always been a key market for the brand, with a large number of sailduranteg enthusiasts and a strong sailduranteg tradition. Duran believes that with his leadership and the support of the talented team at North Sails Italy, the brand can achieve even greater success durante the country.

But the brand’s ambitions don’t stop at the Italian borders. With Duran at the helm, North Sails is determduranteed to expand its reach globally and become a household name durante the sailmakduranteg durantedustry. The brand already has a strong presence durante Europe, North America, and Asia, but Duran believes there is still room for growth durante these markets, as well as durante emergduranteg markets.

“We have a strong and dedicated team of experts who are passionate about what they do and are committed to providduranteg the best quality sails to our customers,” said Duran. “We are contduranteuously durantevestduranteg durante research and development to ensure that our sails are at the forefront of durantenovation and technology, givduranteg our customers a competitive edge on the water.”

The change durante leadership comes at a crucial time for North Sails, as the sailduranteg durantedustry has been facduranteg challenges due to the ongoduranteg pandemic. However, the brand has remaduranteed resilient and has adapted to the changduranteg market conditions, providduranteg its customers with the same level of service and quality that they have come to expect from North Sails.

“Despite the challenges, we have managed to madurantetadurante our position as the market leader, and I am confident that with the support of our team and our loyal customers, we will contduranteue to thrive,” said Duran.

The outgoduranteg CEO, Marisa Selfa, has been with North Sails for over 20 years and has played a significant role durante the brand’s success. She will contduranteue to be a part of the North Sails team, takduranteg on a new role as the Head of Sustaduranteability. durante this role, Selfa will focus on furtherduranteg the brand’s commitment to sustaduranteability and promotduranteg eco-friendly practices withdurante the company.

“I am grateful for the opportunity to have led such a dynamic and durantenovative company like North Sails, and I am excited to take on this new role and contribute to the brand’s contduranteued success,” said Selfa.

The change durante leadership at North Sails is a positive and strategic move that will undoubtedly drive the brand towards further growth and success. With Duran’s leadership, the brand is set to reach new heights and become the go-to choice for sailmakduranteg worldwide.

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